
GEE Summary (PDF, 1724kb)

Leadership Roles(PDF, 204kb)

Invitation to Interested Students(PDF, 117kb) 

GEE Invitation Poster (PDF, 63kb)

Welcome to the GEE (PDF, 2775kb) Contact the organiser for the Powerpoint version of this presentation or invite This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to present it to your students via Zoom

GEE Contest Rules for Participants (PDF, 74kb)

Business Concept Proposal Marksheet (PDF, 202kb)

Personal Reflection Requirements for Participants (PDF, 55kb)

Personal Reflection Requirements for Leaders (PDF, 55kb)

Personal Reflection Marksheet (PDF, 122kb)

360 Degree Feedback Marksheet  (PDF 509kb)

360 Degree Feedback Guidance (PDF 244kb)

Information Used to Assess Peer-Leadership Awards (PDF, 643kb)

Peer-Leadership Self Evaluation Questionnaire (PDF, 328kb)

Support for Academics (PDF, 386kb)

Access GEE Microsoft Teams for Academics, Leaders and GEE-Plus (PDF, 353kb)

Troubleshooting access to Microsoft Teams (PDF 2,297kb)

Micro-credential - what are the pros and cons of accepting one if offered (PDF, 42kb)

NZ Police Be Safe, Feel Safe Awards (PDF, 420kb)

New Venture Development Award Form (PDF, 335kb) These are the questions for the New Venture Development Award for participants to apply for NZ$4,000 of seed funding to implement a version of their team's proposal.  Check out the questions first and then click on the "Apply" button in the email sent to you to apply for the New Venture Development Award. Applications are due by May 19.

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and BMW Group Intercultural Innovation Award 2 minute video clip of the Global Enterprise Experience presented at the UN.